
Topic: Student Questions

Is There Age Discrimination In The Reatil Industry

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am currently researching my dissertation which is concerned with age discrimination in employment. I am interested in what age barriers there are in the UK retail industry and if it is getting better or worse after governement initiatives to help overcome this problem.

If anyone has ever experienced age discrimination then i would be very intersted in hearing your story.
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  • Posted on Member
    I see age discrimination every day in Florida. There are many businesses competing for the expanding retiree business in Florida, and offer senior discounts, this is a form of age discrimination against those who are not of typical retirement age.
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    Age discrimination most definitely occurs in the States, but of course most companies do not admit to it: they instead build this implicitly into job requirements: eg you need so many years experience (excluding younger workers), but need to be able to ultimately advance to a much higher level (excluding older workers who can not possibly achieve this before retirement), so an analysis of job postings could help you identify these factors. Interestingly, some other countries are much more open and direct in discrimination: eg in Turkey it is legal to specify you only want a woman between ages X and XX, or a man between ages Y and YY for a job. When confronted, the HR managers are not apologetic: they claim everyone/ every department has such requirements, and they would simply waste their own and the applicant's time if they would be less specific. If this argument is true for the US (i.e. there are similar requirements/age discrimination), employment data should reflect that the age distribution for a particular job is similar in the US and Turkey, despite the fact that the US job criteria are not explicit about age. Looks like an interesting dissertation topic!

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