
Topic: Advertising/PR

How Did You Find Your Last Photographer?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
For those of you who hire photographers....

Please remember the last time you last hired a photographer to produce unique work for an ad. How did you find him/her?

1) The Black Book or other photo sourcebook?
2) Browsing images on Google?
3) I enjoyed their flyers/ direct mail/ spam?
4) The good old Yellow Pages
5) ASMP or other photographers organization
6) Nepotism. I just hired my nephew.
7) Other

I am a photographer by trade and your answers would help me focus my own marketing efforts. Detailed answers would be most appreciated. How do you like to be approached? How do you NOT like to be approached?

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  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Member
    I got mine from the yellow pages. As for marketing, I would not mind being approached for a specific occasion (eg wedding), but would not respond at any other time, so tie-ins with occasion-specific organizations would help.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    Welcome aboard and good question.

    to be honest with you all of my business needs even along the line of photography come from the relationships I have. Having minored in photography in college my knowledge of photography is pretty in depth. So when I start to look for someone to do photography for me it's generally been as a result of having relationships with professional photographers who I admire. They most definitely have to be able to do something I can not. So years of experience, knowledge of the medium, their strong portfolio, and even the type and knowledge of their equipment all play a part in how I will judge their ability to help me with my special project. Another great resource for me along those lines has also come from my adopted sons relationships because he has been in the advertising industry and has a wealth of key contacts with some high ranking photographers. To be honest with you I could not afford some of them because these people are super expensive. Is there anything else I can do for you? or is there any other insights I can share with you that will help you create the strategy you need to put in place in order to become more successful?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted


    More than anything I like to see portfolios that communicate the essence of what the photographer does best and is it reflecting what you currently now do. My advice is try not to be all things for all people.

    Don't ever show Everything---
    Leave something to the imagination---
    Customize your portfolio for every Client---
    Always have more than one portfolio on hand...i.e. create at least a couple of portfolios that are edited for different clients.

    show your distinct personality or prove your equisite expertise. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE(Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Harp Arora on Accepted
    For original work have always gone through my network and hired via word-of-mouth, once I have checked out the portfolio and like it. Typically dealt with sizeable budgets so it was critical to not take chances with unknown entities. This approach worked extremely well.

    Have also been mandated to work through a corporate ad agency, which was less pleasant an experience (ours happened to specialize in TV and their print stuff was mediocre quality and ridiculously overpriced). But - that might be something for you to explore in terms of partnering with ad agencies to supply services.

    Last comment on specializing or not specializing - worked exclusively with one supplier for a number of years who was fabulous. Then, I happened to go into their studio for personal reasons one day and was surprised to find wedding photography adorning the walls. Even though it was lovely, to be honest, it turned me off...I thought - which one is it, corporate or personal?

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