
Topic: Website Critique

Feedback On New Website

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
A client I am working with is just about to launch his web site and is looking for some initial feedback.

He offers contract and custom market research mainly to the research suppliers to the pharmaceutical and biotech industries mostly in Canada and the US. We have identified the three key areas he offers solutions to the main problems faced so any market research specialists out there we would be particularly interested in your feedback and thoughts.

Web site is

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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Square Peg,

    the overall image as it pertains to the layout and design should be easy to identify what is important to look at first. In other words the composition visually is not giving the eye a natural line of direction.

    these two images are fighting for attention. the visual of the toolbox and the acronym SMART. The acronym going down as it appears the natural line of sight wants to move you from left to right is visually confusing.

    3.) the headings skewed right and the line shooting partially up but not entirely up creates a distraction.

    Again overall I think your biggest problem is in composition. Straighten this out and allow us to tweek it from here. A website should be compositonally easy on the eyes. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    When I arrived at the home page I thought that was it; a one-page website.

    How many people would miss the links to the other pages? Most, if not all, I think... I had to look very hard because you had asked the question - most visitors are not looking so hard.

    I don't get a real sense of who or what Analytics Toolbox is. It is such a generic sounding name, it could be any software tool in the world. When I read your blurb I could understand it is a very specialised tool. You also seem to have very specific skills and experience - so why are they totally buried on the contact page.

    Why not have a page that talks about the key clients and their key projects you have done?

    The home page is as boring as batpoo. "Is this reality for you"? I dunno, what does that mean anyway? I think you need to spell out your value proposition, show the client problems, and how your Tools fix those problems.

    The SMART thing is contrived and bland, bland, bland... Plus vertical type is hard to read - nobody expects vertical type on a web page. Street signage, maybe, but everything on my screen goes left to right very one very simple reason. Legibility.

    Hope this is helpful, not hurtful. I think you have an excellent-sounding product here, you're just totally underselling it and yourself with this very, very dull website.

    If I were you, I would get one of the specialists here to redesign it for you. Contact me if you want a recommendation, or else why not post it on the projects board here

    I suggest you also consider renaming the business to something much more resonant with your target audience - they are big-budget, big spending marketers in the main, don't let them just pass you by because you look small and unsophisticated.

    I know and you know you're not, but will they?

  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Sqaure Peg,

    Keep you skin thick, you have a good idea badly executed.

    While your website is simple, which is good, it is complex in making the reader try to determine what exactly the company does and why they would to want respond to a call-to-action for a possible conversion.

    You never say exactly what you want the person who has landed on your site to do in the next step to becoming a customer or strengthening and deepening an existing relationship.

    This is the biggest mistake you can make in webstite design, that is, not providing a strong call-to-action.

    I hope that helps.

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