
Topic: Advertising/PR

Adventure Sport

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
we have a adventure sports which yet has to be introduced in india. we have a franchise taken from the company in new zealand which has the all rights of that adventure game in whole world. now from where and how we should start advertising and promotion. we have a just small contact with tourism board of the region. we are going to start from scratch and tell how we should approach?
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    If I understand right, you are trying to open a travel franchise in India aimed at people who like to do a particular adventure sport. You want help in how to market this service. Is this correct?

    To do so, we would need to know what the sport is, who would normally participate in it (Indians, foreigners, what age group, etc.), plus much more information. What you would do would vary based on who to and what you are promoting.

    Being that there is a company in New Zealand (the company who is giving you the franchise), definitely work with them and get what information they have learned from running the adventure sport in New Zealand.
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi rahul

    like Peter and Steve said, i haven't got any clue what kinda adventure sport you are talking about.

    whether it is Base-Jumping or Bungee-Jumping or Rock Climbing, it isnt clear from your posts. So pls give us more information and we will able to help u better.


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