
Topic: Website Critique

New Website Feedback

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
i am no internet or computer expert and spent nearly three months making this website.i know i have loads of things to do yet especially with optimization etc.but was wondering what your opinion,problems,feedback would be!
thanks in advance
p.s. this is an amazing site,i am glad i found you!
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    a really bad thing on your site is SIDE SCROLLING Big no no

    "50 $" should be $50

    the buy buttons are covering the text in Firefox 1.0.2

    you need to compact the site to fit on 800x600 screen

    thee are lots of little annoying things on your site like:

    link to the homepage on the home page
    the menu bar should tell me what page i am on, but i got lost because i couldn't remember which page i had checked.

    menu items need ALT text

    Alt text should be descriptive NOT click link here.

    your links are not consistent, eg some times the textpicture with shadow back ground is a link and sometimes it is not.

    writing text on pictures should only be used if it absolutely necessary, this is because it is harder for search engines to index your site, and blind people cant read the pictures

    search engine optimization should be part of the design NOT something added as an after thought.

    Also you need a site map

    But overall your site has potential.

    Carl Crawford

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