
Topic: Customer Behavior

How Do You Win Back Lost Customer?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
how do you win back lost customer?
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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    daintyface 73,

    Welcome aboard the KHE. Any additonal information you offer only brings you better results. The more you offer the better the results. If you offer less you're probably going to get less even though we really want to give you more and better answers...It's like trying to build a Great Big house on a small teeny weenie foundation. If you give us enough foundation will build you a Great Big house to put your answer in :-)

    MOST PEOPLE FAIL TO DO THE ABOVE... even though we highly recommend it but it doesn't change the results. The right information does make a huge difference...

    What kind of business are you in and how did you lose this customer? Every lost customer scenario requires specific resolutions that can not be accurately determined if we do not know "HOW" you lost the customer. This very key to me helping you win your lost customer back.

    find out what causes people, corporations and small businesses to lose customers and then don't do these things. Also find out what causes people, corporations and small businesses to keep or retain customers and do more of these types of things.

    Please consider answering my questions above and I will share with you some rare but valuable insights on how to win back lost customers. Is there anything else I can do for you? I really love making customers happy.

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted

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