
Topic: Advertising/PR

Marketing Answering Service To Health Professional

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am looking for a way to market our answering service to larger doctor practices and health professionals. I did try advertising in a "Hospital News" paper, also in our local city magazine to no avail. It seems most of our contacts come through the yellow pages. Other than cold calling or sending unwanted faxes to offices, I am stumped. Any ideas?
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  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Member
    Consider a referral program. A discount on their next month's bill for each new client they bring to your firm. Depending on the average Life Time Value of your clients you could set an aggressive discount for the next billing cycle to try and drive as much interest in the campaign as possible.

    Good Luck
  • Posted by Don Meyer on Member
    Follow the example of the drug companies who go to offices or make appointments and bring free pens, sign in pads, magazines, medical tools/clothes, etc. Find out what state medical magazines and websites they refer to and advertise there.

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