
Topic: Student Questions

Job Recruitment

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Has the Internet helped or hindered the recruiting process?
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    like in most things in life "it depends"

    personally i think it has helped, but there are situation where it can hinder the process
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Yes, the Internet has helped AND hindered the recruiting process.

    It has certainly made it easier for companies to broadcast their needs to a much larger talent pool. And it has made it easier for job seekers to find listed positions.

    But it looks like most jobs are NOT filled through Internet ads/postings or newspaper ads. The Internet is a seductive way for job seekers to spend hours on the task of finding a job without really accomplishing much.

    You might want to read Richard Nelson Bolles' book, "What Color Is Your Parachute?" or "The Potato Chip Difference : How to apply leading edge marketing strategies to landing the job you want" for some perspective on the issue of Internet job searches/recruiting.

    Both books are available at,, or through most bookstores in the US. "The Potato Chip Difference" is also available at the website .

    The conclusion in both books is that the Internet hasn't done much to directly help either recruiters or job seekers, even though there is certainly a lot of job-related activity online. (Indirect assistance is another story ... researching, getting the word out, finding local networking opportunities, locating and evaluating resume preparation services, etc.)

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