
Topic: Advertising/PR

Free Marketing For A Non-profit Group

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi my name is craig clark, I'm the founding member of natures warriors. I just finish designing my web site ( my first attempt ).
Now I seeking ideas for free marketing to drive my web site hits from 5,000 per month to 20,000,000 per month. My web site is at If you wish you can advise me on site design to
My site Natures Warriors- Building the Utopian Dream deals with the major issues that are required to save the earth and the human race.
see ya
craig clark
founding member of natures warriors
Building the Utopian Dream
[inactive link removed]

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted

    I hate to have to tell you this, but without funding, there is absolutely no way you will attract anything close to 2,000,000 hits per month, let alone 20,000,000. It has nothing to do with the worth of the organization itself, or the quality of the website.

    It has to do with the amount of money being spent by other organizations that want the same kind of attention you want. There's only so much time/attention people are willing to devote to visiting new websites, and there are far more websites and organizations that crave those few seconds of attention.

    I think you probably need to revisit the marketing strategy and plan for your organization, with an eye toward getting some funding to help reach your ambitious goals.

    I've worked with not-for-profit organizations before, and (1) they all had a source of funding to support their marketing efforts, and (2) they always seemed to have goals that were unrealistic.

    Sorry to be the bearer of this news, but I presume you wanted a straight answer.

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