
Topic: Website Critique

Is The 3rd Time A Charm?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello Everyone,

Thank you in advance for any comments you may post.

Due to previous lackluster performance, our website ( is on rebuild #3. I believe we bring a very unique and valuable service to the small business marketplace and can’t understand why entrepreneurs aren’t signing up in droves.

We spend thousands of dollars on Google ads and lots of hours working on search engine marketing. Our customers rave about our services, and yet new business only trickles in.

Are we not getting our point across? Are we doing something wrong? Any ideas?

Anyone want to help market our services and earn commission? ;-)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ed Gouin
Image Advantages
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Ed,

    I checked out your site, I agree that a makeover is in order, main thing I see is it is too "wordy".

    You could take at least half of your content and edit it out. People don't take the time to read everything that you think is important, because the reality is it isn't important to them this early in the relationship.

    8 links on a top navigation bar is too much, too overwhelming, too early.

    Read Seth Godin's "The Big Red Fez", for excellent examples of websites that work.

    The comparative cost chart sure caught my eye, stuff like that is good.

    Your value proposition seems great, I am glad I found out about you and will keep you in mind which leads to my thought that you need to setup a formal strategic alliance program.

    Is your Google AdWords on Pause? You do not show with the keywords:

    Answering Services(s)
    Virtual Office Service(s)
    Live help
    phone answering service

    Good luck, I hope that helps.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    I don't need to go to your site to understand at least part of the problem. You are trying to sell what you have, when you should be trying to understand the needs and problems of your prospective customers and showing up with solutions to those problems.

    Take your viewpoint up to 30,000 feet and consider that there are many, many superb products and services out there -- more than there are customer needs to satisfy. You're competing with every great idea out there, trying to convince people that your solution to some problem is better than someone else's solution to some other problem.

    Instead, you'd be better served trying to identify the company for whom your solution solves their biggest problem. Or finding a problem so important that people will find you if you can solve it.

    Spending thousands of dollars on Google Adwords only gets people to your site. Once they are there, they'll leave if they don't see something that really looks important to them. I'll bet that's what's missing from your site.

    BTW, I concur with the suggestion that you get and read "The Big Red Fez." I'd bet your site doesn't have a banana ... or, if it does, it's pointing to something that people don't care much about.

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