
Topic: Advertising/PR

I Need A Slogan. I'm A New Realtor.

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am a new Realtor in a small but Enormously Growing Rural town along Historic Rte 66 in Arizona. I am looking for a Slogan. I want something Sophisticated but humorous. I love Music and Clothes. The design of my card will be Sophisticated and Classy, but like I said I want humorous. I love for people to "Have a Funny Day". Hope you could help me with my odd request.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    This is really a cart-before-the-horse question.

    Your slogan should reflect your positioning, but you don't seem to have a positioning (or you're keeping it from us, if you do).

    Answer kwinters's question: What makes you unique in the marketplace? Surely it's more than a catchy slogan. In fact, if it's just the slogan, you're on a losing course from the outset.

    Don't rush to something cute and attention-getting. That's nice, but it's not sufficient to really get people to hire you. You need something substantive that represents a real benefit to your target audience. Once you have that, then a catchy slogan can help communicate it in a memorable way.

    The way you're starting is to design an attractive envelope for a blank piece of paper. Better to figure out who your primary target audience is, what makes them tick, and how you can solve their biggest problem. When you have that down pat, then it's time for a slogan.

    The slogan should be all about the most important benefit you deliver, not about who you are and what you do for a living.
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi there

    how about these.....

    "Your 24/7 Arizona Realtor"
    "Taking you home on Route 66"
    "Your REAL Estate McCOY"

    hope this helps


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