
Topic: Advertising/PR

Using Limited Funds To Create A Big Buzz

Posted by Anonymous on 300 Points

I run a business development consulting practice that is geared specifically to the small business sector. We come up with low cost high impact solutions for our clients.

However I do not proclaim to be the fountain of knowledge nor have I created and had every idea possible so I wanted to post a question to the community and see what ideas you have in creating small business success, using low cost marketing ideas.

To narrow the question down I am keen to see the ideas you have that are realted to the service sector, as we seem to be specialising in this area.

Can not wait to hear what you come up with.



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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi laura

    great to know that your business is geared towards the small business sector. BUT small business is across all the industries. Which industry you are concentrating??

    Will you please elaborate on which indutry/sector of small business you are concetrating so that the experts here can offer you better solutions.

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi laura

    are you looking for low cost marketing ideas for your clients in the mentioned sectors?? or for your consulting business?? i am a little confused. would you pls clarify.

    anyway,some ideas for promoting your clients..

    1. you can arrange with local newspapers and trade magazines of each trade to write about each of your clients.

    2. you can distribute a brochure contianing information about a client of one trade to all other clients of all other trades tagged along with your company newsletter (if you have any). you can do this on rotation basis of trade/industry.

    3. if you are promoting yourself, then i think a low cost thing is distributing your monthly newsletter to all your clients and potential clients.

    4. i also like the idea of Jo of sending post cards.

    5. a little costly, you can organize workshops/seminars on a particular industry whereby you invite all existing as well as potential clients. this will bring out your brand out in the front.

    hope this helps. will get back if i come up with anything new.


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