
Topic: Advertising/PR

Help With A Dog Sitting/walking Flyer

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm just starting a dog sitting service and I am tring to figure out something for a flyer thats concise, catchy and is geared towards dog walking and dog sitting please help thank you.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You need awareness more than anything. Catchy isn't nearly as important as communicating what you do and why you're better than anyone else at it. Less copy is better. Great graphics is the way to get people to notice. And be sure to include the call to action -- e.g., "For more information, call 1-800-PET-CARE."

    Because this is a local business, you might want to reference the area you serve, so your target audience will know you're "one of them." And if you can get a reference/testimonial from a local vet (or two), that would be terrific.

    Good luck.
  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    Try considering WHEN people would need a dog sitter. Are we talking about when they go to the store? Or are we talking about from 6pm to 3am when they're working the night shift?

    Because most of the ideas are already given about, try focusing on the alternatives with headlines like:
    "Think your dog likes sitting the a hot car in the "Barking-lot" at the store? Under that something like: The 4 things vets warn about leaving your dog in the car. Don't forget to get REAL ideas from a vet.

    You can also go with something simple like: "Thinking about hiring a dog walker but afraid of the risks? If they've ever even considered it (what we call the Breakthrough stage because the idea has broken through into their brain) they'll pick up the flyer. Follow it up with something like "The plusses and minuses of using a walking service". Make sure the minuses are stated so they beccome a plus. e.g., "You won't be able to put off that office project you've been avoiding"

  • Posted on Author
    Sorry for taking a long time to respond back, All of your responses are great and I thank you all. I'm looking for maybe a few more reponses cause I know there's some other great ideas out there. I will no matter what close the question in 2 days. billc24 I like that giving a walk free idea. I'm not looking to put alot of info on the flyer like testimonials I think that would be great if I was putting out a brochure. What do you all think about this:
    (my business name) your trustworthy, dog freindly and schedual punctual dog sitting and walking service References available sevicing (my city) in (blank,blank and blank) areas for more information call (my name) (my #)
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi aquaman

    great response from experts. my 2 cents...

    1. it will be better if you can have the endorsement of some of satisfied your clients and of the vets. it should tbe opening of the flyer. i.e Dr. XXX or Mr. YYY recommends as Dog sitter/walker etc.
    2. if you have been a K-9 team member do mention about that. usually K-9 teams are great handlers of dogs.
    3. talk about your training of dog handling/sitting/walking
    4. also the flyer should have some pictures of dogs are playing with some stuff, like balls, frisbees etc. so that the dog-owners know that the dog wont be bored at your place.
    5. i like bill's idea of 1st Walking Free and having a telephone number as mentioned by micheal
    6. make the flyer in the shape of a big bone(usually associated with dogs)

    hope this helps.

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    adding to my earlier post....

    can you video your dog sitting/walking/handling sessions and copy into CD to be distributed with the flyer. try to cover all aspects that you do during a dog sitting/walking session.


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