
Topic: Advertising/PR

Is Direct Mailing Our Best Option?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We are a new small-medium business with a small-medium marketing budget to suit. We are a catering/pre-prepared meals company wanting to announce who we are, what we offer and inspire people to try our products.
We would like to get as much "bang for our buck" as possible and are uncertain if just doing mass "letterbox" drops ( which involves huge printing costs )is a bit "hit and miss", "lets just wait and see what happens" kind of approach? Any idea's
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  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    Before you do anything, pick between 10 and 15 business that are similar to the kind you want to target. Call or visit (I prefer the in-person visit) and simply ask them questions about how they make decisions on buying your kind of service. Note: DO NOT SELL TO THESE PEOPLE...just educate yourself on their thought process.

    Before you leave, give them a nice gift. We try to give something given to us by one of our suppliers. Our suppliers know that our success is their success, so they often will sell it to us at or below cost.

    NOW you're in a position to put your marketing material together and you'll be able to be more selective while making a better impression.

    I'm still a strong believer in cold calling on businesses...only because we see the results. If that is uncomfortable, there are reps who are happy to add your line to what they're already doing.

    Also, I won't pitch it here for all to see, but we represent a company that does websites for your kind of business. E-mail me and I'll get you the information and some references.
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi PKR,

    We need more info on your target market. Your strategy revolves around this.

    You need to win customers over 1 stomach at a time, just like a restaurant. Do this and get some good PR generated and get some movers and shakers eating your meals and spreading the word and you will start to get some traction.

    Also, look at what your competition is doing, analyze it, look at your strategy and develop a SWOT.

    Any more details would be appreciated.

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