
Topic: Advertising/PR

Looking For Billboard Copy That Pops

Posted by Anonymous on 200 Points
I am in the process of rolling out a new billboard campaign for a casino-hotel-travel center-restaurant that sits on a major interstate in the western US. We have more than 60 boards that reach out about 200 miles in either direction.
Our target is pretty much anyone traveling on the interstate with disposable cash age 30 to 80.
I have slated certain boards specifically for each enterprise, and have a few slated to be combination boards. We give away 2-3 new semi tractors each year to draw in truck drivers; we give away a motorhome to draw in RVers and will be doing the same with a harley-davidson to draw in bikers.
We have a full service travel center that caters to both truck drivers and four-wheeled travelers, a restaurant with a great buffet, a gourmet coffee bar, a snack bar that serves killer banana splits, a nice, multi-diamond-rated hotel with a pool, and, of course, a casino.
I am looking for a cohesive set of 1- to 5-word mind-blowing phrases that will turn heads, make people talk and of course get them to pull off the interstate and spend all their money.
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  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    2 in one day!

    Gaming Marketing Solutions ( has done marketing for Caesars and Isle of Capri.

    Again, under full disclosure we represent the holding company Shift Happens, Inc. So I would like to know if you use them.

  • Posted on Accepted
    I keep thinking back to wall drug. Boy did those signs make crossing the badlands more entertaining. In that vein, perhaps you could use the 200 miles of highway to build intrigue. What about a simple black background with your logo centered and two seemingly disparate words beneath it in white text. Of course, as the drivers near the destination, the billboards would become much more informative:

    bannana splits and black jack.

    capuccinos and cozy comforters.

    swimming pool and sirloin.

    Or, more akin to what you provided as an example:

    Coffee'll perk you up,
    but black jack gets the blood pumping.

    Warm soda or Cool swim?
    We know which one refreshes us.

    Greed. Gluttony. Lust. Three out of seven ain't bad.

    Hope these sparks some ideas.


    Lucky Guppy Marketing

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi there

    alternatively, you can put some of the sounds people make at your casino, hotel ;-) in each of the billboards. the backgroud color will be same with all the sounds coming out in Callout Shapes. sounds to consider are...

    1. the groan of losing a jackpot by a digit (i.e. Goddammit )

    2. the laugh of winning a jackpot (i.e. Yahooooooo)

    3. the WOW said after seeing the Swimming pool (i.e. WOOOOOW)

    4. the satisfactory gawk of having a good food (i.e gaaawwk)

    another option is you countdown to various pleasures like,
    - 200 miles to cool splash
    - 190 miles to Vodka Martini
    - 10 miles to banana splits
    and so on,
    - lastly, 10 yards to million $ Jackpot

    that one can get in your casinotel (casino + hotel) in the billboards.

    hope this helps.


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