
Topic: Advertising/PR

Give-aways To Promote New Logo To Customers-cheap

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm refreshing our company's logo and truncating the overly long 3-word name to the acronym. Most of our customers will be very pleased with this, but I need to really create some hoopla around it so they adopt the shorter name.

I'd like to give them a cool promo item with the new logo, but the budget is limited. (about 750 customers). I thought of a screensaver or wallpaper, but so many people are concious about downloading strange stuff, or IT departments won't let them.

Does anyone have an idea for a cool promo item that is inexpensive to purchase and mail? I'd like to come in below $1.50 total.

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  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    These people have a site where you can search all products by price:

    Under fair disclosure, we represent the holding company of Shift Happens, Inc. So I would like to know if you use them.


  • Posted on Accepted
    What about letter magnets for refrigerators? Academians and researchers might appreciate the opportunity for word play.

    Or you could do individual bags of alphabets cereal that contain only the letters of your acronym.

    In either scenario, you could include a little tag with your logo and a note on it.

    Have fun with it and they will, too. My two cents anyway!


    Lucky Guppy Marketing

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    How about a non-commercial booklet on a topic of interest to your target audience? You can put your logo on the cover. Cost to print and deliver is quite reasonable, and if the content is valuable people will read/keep it and impart more value than the cost. Maybe you can even get a celebrity (in your industry) to write a short introduction.
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    We've looked at electroluminescent display items - they are essentially flat sheet plastic displays which glow in different colours when excited by a voltage. The cost has been dropping very dramatically along with the associated electronics to energise and if necessary sequence them. I'm not familiar with the US manufactured price for a small thing that glows or possibly winks in the dark, but you might squeeze in something for $1.50

    Another item I like is the credit-card sized folding / expanding information media like the X cards or Z card. They are neat in that they fold down to fit in your client’s wallet but can fold out to show an A4 or 8.5" x 11" page of information. Confine the information to something they would find useful - conversion tables or the periodic table and ensure that your new Logo is on the front with all your contact details on the inside information part. Have a look at:

    For some examples. The UK contact also does electroluminescents, but I think that his offerings are on the POS and Billboard size of the market.

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi there

    1. a puzzle board, to be solved, that will have your new brand name.

    2. a branded watch(dial), with your brand color as the dial background, while you have your acronym letters in place of 12, 6, and 9 since usaully 3 is replaced by the date & day display.

    3. very cliched, but a branded desk calender (this will be cheap).

    4. illuminated yo-yo ball, with your brand name inscribed and only that will be illuminated.

    hope that helps.


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