
Topic: Advertising/PR

Marketing A New Product

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am starting a new venture; selling hand knotted carpets and handicrafts and I am having a hardest time marketing it. I have created a web site and putting flyers but my target customers are home decor outlets and I dont know how to approach ithem in the most effective way...any help would be great.

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  • Posted on Member
    Use the witerbook or yellowbook to target the outlets and outsource ur marketing mission to a qualified telemarketing company.

    It sounds to burn ur bucks before a predicted profit,but it is really helpful
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi ashley

    great response above. just adding to those...

    1. i suggest you develop/make some samples and while making calls show the samples to the prospective home decor outlets. you also have a color chart and probable design book with your for display the extent of your color range and design range.

    2. if any client (home decor shop/company) asks you to develop a sample based on their color and design, then do product your best quality at the earliest possible time.

    3. also give the clients the option, that you wil do on-order carpets based on the consumers choice, design and liking. this will give the home-decor outlets an added benefit to have your product on their shelf.

    4. also have a display at your office/showroom to show the prospective clients of your products.

    5. take prospective clients on a tour of your factory where you manufactre these items. let them feel the entire making.

    hope this helps.

  • Posted by Jeff K. on Member
    Hi Ashley-

    Try marketing it to some local interior designers and decorators. These are the people who will become your sales force. Also, check your local area to see if there is an upcoming Parade of Homes or Street of Dreams. These showcase homes are always showcasing new designs and products. If there is one going on in your area, work with the designer to get your product in the home. You may have to give it to them for free or at the cost of your materials, but the publicity and advertising you will get at that one event should jump start your business.

    Hope this helps!
  • Posted by michael on Member

    Go to the gift shows (Atlanta, Chicago, Kansas City etc) and see what they're doing or jump right in and get a spot to sell to retailers.


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