
Topic: Student Questions

Difference - Brand & Subscription Communication

Posted by srivatsa1983 on 250 Points
Need to know the exact difference between brand communication and subscription communication
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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi srivatsa

    Brand Communication is about communicating all the aspect of the brand to create an impression in the consumers mind in such a way that the brand becomes the Top of Mind (TOM) brand. in Brand Communication, you communicate about the brand's attributes, brand benefits, brand's core and extended proposition, what the brand stands for, brand personification etc. In short, Brand Communication objective is to make brand the consumer 1st preferred choice, the TOM brand.

    Subscription Communication, i think, is intended solely to generate more subscription of any particular product or service. IMHO, you dont talk about all other aspects of brand but only those aspects that will increase your sales/subscription. you may talk about the product benefit, price benefit, price offer/discounts etc. all geared towards making your sales/subscription increase. Making the brand the Top of Mind brand is not the objective of Subscription Communication

    hope this helps.

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    adding to my earlier posts (sorry i forgot to add)...

    only Subscription Communication, without any Brand Communication and being TOM brand, will result in increase in sales/subscription BUT to a certain extent.

    in the long run, its the Brand Communication making the brand TOM brand will benefit the Subscription Communication in becoming more effective and increaseing sales/subscription.

  • Posted by bobhogg on Accepted

    I've got to admit that I've never actually heard the phrase "subscription communication"! Can you give us a little more information - in what context it is used, for example?

    In the meantime, I think Mushfique has had a good attempt at a definition given the limited information!

    Good luck,
  • Posted by srivatsa1983 on Author
    I thank one and all who have helped me with this. thanx a lot

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