
Topic: Website Critique

Website Critique - Web Design Company

Posted by Anonymous on 1000 Points
Following is a Chinese web and icon design company I am looking at doing some business development for.

They currently have expanded rapidly and have many foreign company clients in China and starting to attract more from overseas.

I would like you to do a critique of this website including SOE, general design, marketing and other suggestions etc.

If I do look towards doing work for them my first initial thoughts would be to redevelop the website to have more meaning, SOE, maybe paid placement in Google etc, development of B2B sites such as etc.

Other suggestions for marketing a web design company would also be appreciated.

Thanks and sorry it's a bit urgent.
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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi virago

    i have been to the site. first of all, its in chinese and as i dont have chinese installed in my pc, i could not read. in my pc unless administrator permits i cant install chinese, option of which pops up at the point of accessing the site.

    again, when i clicked on the English version tab, a lot of links were not working. so i cant really tour the site. For better response from all the other experts, it would be really great if the site is in English.

    despite that, here are my observations.

    1. you have mentioned that the company is having increasing overseas adn china based foreign clients. so IMHO, its imperative to have the website in English, with a chinese version an option. Becoz i am sure, all of the probable clients networks will not allow the installation of Chinese with out administratot permission (like me).

    2 in the chinese version, the english words are too small.

    3 in the chinese version, on right side there is Whats News and Whats Serve sections are there, which is not present in English version (which has Lanxuan Services instead).

    4. irrespective of language, all the fonts for details (like in the contact page) are too small. it will put strain on surfers.

    thats all i could come up with given the obstacles of surfing the site, sorry. will try again to surf the site properly to give you better feedback.

  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    I have not been to the site - why should I? I hear it is in Chinese.

    You say you are considering doing some marketing work for these folks. I'm curious - why?

    I'd be willing to bet there are easily over 1,000 web development companies in less-expensive areas such as China, India, etc. whose web sites are in English. Why wouldn't you want to work with one of the many firms who have already proven they can work in English?
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    Being an Icon junky i am ALWAYs looking for cool icons.

    I site needs a complete redesign, as most people have stated.

    Anyway here is an example of a site which i think i quite good good. While it has some of the problems that happen with the lanxuan due to the language difficulty. But just have a look, and you can get the gist of what they do, they have a lot of examples and downloads of free ware icons.

    I didn't see any good examples of the icons laxuan produced, only a couple of screen shots, but not the actual icons. Have some stuff to download, may be have a forum? Like .

    You could also donate some icons to a well known free ware like what yellowicon did with Spybot S&D

    Other ways in which you can differentiate yourself is to provide the icons in ANY format the buyer wants, if they want esp then give them esp, if they want Png give them png and if they want Psd or Ai then they wont give it to them. From what i can gather from other icon development firms are very tight with what they give the customer, eg they only allow the Png, gif and jpeg formats but are not willing to give the native formats.

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi virago

    tons of great advice from experts. adding to those regarding improving the site.....

    1. Please add a section whereby surfers can check who are the clients this firm is working for. create a sub-page called CLIENTS and do mention the Motorola.

    2. Samples page: create a section where the surfers can see some of the works of Lanxuan. also keep a DOWNLOAD section for downloading cool icons, screen savers, color schemes etc.

    3. apart from a contact us, create a Request for Proposal Page, in which the surfer can submit some information for a particular job and Lanxuan will do some sample work based on those information and submit to the prospective client. this will allow the prospective client to see despite being top3 designed whether Lanxuan can deliver the job. Call it Web_Design Test Drive.

    hope this helps.


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