
Topic: Advertising/PR

Provocative Business Names

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have a relatively risque and provocative name for a professional chair massage therapy business. I want to know if using humor in this instance may help get people talking about my company. This business will target business professionals in corporate America. I would just like your opinions on risque business names in general and specifically how well they will stay with a customer untill they are ready to buy.
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  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    Business professionals and provocative don't normally mix well. Still, Hooters restaurant does well....but with started with a huge marketing campaign.

    "Sleezo's Massage Parlor" may not. Just make sure that your marketing campaign highlights your USP.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I concur with [the other] michael. Provocative names are not compatable with the audience you're targeting.

    You might get away with telling people what you "almost called it" in a one-on-one meeting, but even then I'd be very careful. And if the reference is sexual (even a little bit), you'll probably be asked to leave.

    Everyone has been sensitized to political correctness in the workplace. I wouldn't try to test the limits of their tolerance for anything that's even a little bit risque.

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