
Topic: Advertising/PR

Bank Advertising Against Opposing Merging Bank

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I work for an advertising agency, and we were given the task of coming up with a newspaper ad for a bank client to draw in potential customers that might be confused/hassled by a recent bank merger in town.

We want to position ourselves as being hassle-free and convenient. But we want to ad to feel smart and witty. One idea we had was to say that the merging banks were suffering from an "identity crisis."

Any creative ideas for an advertisement? We are going into this with the hope to spin off an entire campaign about the merger. For example, offering promo items to new customers, banners, handouts, etc...

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
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  • Posted by michael on Accepted

    So many mergers happen in the banking business that I don't think it will resonate.

    You're probably better of focusing on the fact that YOUR bank is still the same. Something like:

    "Work THRU the hassle or walk AWAY from the hassle"

    "Another bank merger? Don't get caught in the choppy water."

    Good luck!


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