
Topic: Advertising/PR

Marketing For A Potential Future Need-computer Forensic Analysis

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We are a small, husband/wife computer forensic analysis firm. We analyze computers for possible information useful in civil and criminal cases. Most of our business comes through word-of-mouth, as satisfied clients (usually attorneys, private investigators, or corporate security or human resources officers) use us for future cases or recommend us to colleagues. That's working well, as our business has grown every year. We would like to do some marketing beyond this, but are not sure how to approach it. People wouldn't see our marketing material and suddenly realize they have a need for computer forensic analysis (we're unfortunately not like chocolate in that regard). We need something that someone will remember in the future when they have the need for our services.
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  • Posted by michael on Member
    Ultimately people who are using your services are trying to make the best decision...often without knowing HOW to do so.

    Focus your marketing on educating prospective customers. A good piece will be something they keep around for future reference. It might include:
    1) Easiest types of computers to get info from
    2) Things customers can do to help early in the process (like don't put a magnet near the hard drive, don't run any spyware programs etc)

    Simple stuff to remember but maybe critical to reduce the amount of time you have to charge them for your work. In other words, help them help you. In most cases the educator gets the business.

    Mini dvd's are good for this and not too expensive to reproduce.
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi kberryhill,

    I know exactly what your business does (you probably use Encase) because a couple of years ago I developed a strategic and then tactical marketing plan for a local computer forensics company.

    Contact me offline to discuss as my strategies and ideas for marketing in this industry are proprietary.

    Click on my name above to access my contact information.

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