
Topic: Website Critique

Text, Text Everywhere And Not A Space To Think!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi folks,
Let me first say that my site is still very much in development and I'm not looking for full-blown critique just yet. My issue is this...

I have a fairly large amount of information I wish to convey to provide potential clients with all (or as close to 'all' as one can get) of the information they need to make an informed decision regarding web design packages.

There are thirteen features that I'm addressing and each has a brief explanation, just a few sentences. However, my page is still extremely text heavy and I don't know if it will be too much to digest.

Splitting these issues up onto different pages won't work, they're all related to package pricing. In fact, I had to do a separate page for added features. I just wish I could find a way to make everything visible at a glance but still EXPLAIN the features since my target audience is, for the most part, comprised of web novices.

Additionally, I feel that splitting the information further would be confusing. I know when I've browsed for web design packages, I've often navigated away from a site because I can't find simple, straightforward pricing.

These are the pages that are giving me trouble:

Please ignore the other pages for now, I'm still in the development stage. Thanks in advance for your help!
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    Just a note about the Meta tag support, NO GOOD search engine supports them any more, they died out all the way back in 2001.

    Google, yahoo, msn, clusty, vistro, altavista NONE of these search engines support meta tags, the only one that does ( and it puts very little weight on it) is lycos.

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