
Topic: Customer Behavior

What New In Customer Service In Telecom Industry?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
In the telecom industry in banglades, mobile operators are playing an important role. BUt the problem is the players are not aggressive enough with their products to satisfy customers. Therefore we the CR people are the ones working to retain customers, and keeping them happy. Now the problem is we have country wide coverage, Contact centers, call center, Cusomter Communication, email, web, GPRS (upcoming) etc.

I have also been planning to laucnh auto-reply system, service (that requires signature) through email system, web-enables service etc.

But i think i am missing something, and just trying to find the one idea that can make significant difference.

What do yuo think? Can u help me?
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  • Posted by adammjw on Member

    I think you miss the basics.Are your customers happy with you? Have you tried to probe how they rate your performance as it is now? Go and ask your customers to tell you what they value most in your offering.Then ask them what's missing.What new services and novelties they would find most welcome.How can you enrich people's lives and businesses' performance with your services?

    Best of luck

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Well Goincrazy,

    STOP-going-crazy and focus on continued relationship building measures for your customers. Continue to dig, to examine, to think about it from the customers perspective. Continue to get in their heads as you build relationships that make them think...Their Goin Crazy...Make them think...


    Continue to make your customer your client and protect their best interest. Continue to go the extra mile and serve your customer with passion.

    But also continue to EDUCATE your client on the benefits and why you're better than a price break at doing what you do in a way they'd absolutely be crazy to leave your organization.

    Take your customers beyond price focus to the next level of the Servant's Mentality.

    Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)


    C-razy P-rospect E-vangelist

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