
Topic: Branding

Buisness Name For Smoking Related Stuff

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Ive been hand painting cigarette lighters for a little while now , and have decided to make it into a proper mini business! I have just started selling other smoking requisites too, like cigarette tins, ashtrays, plastic fag pack covers, and Im considering selling cool match books, fag pack stickers etc aswell, basically all smoking related stuff.

My dilemma is, i cannot think of a cool enough name that I really like. I want soemthing with a bit of a pun in it, I did like HOLY SMOKE, but I think thats been taken.
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  • Posted by adammjw on Accepted
    Hi kookycookie,

    I think Holy Smoke is a bit over the top, so it's better it's been taken.

    What about :

    Smoke Dream
    Unique Smoke
    Top Smoke
    Choice Smoke
    Hall of Smoke


  • Posted by StarsDie on Accepted
    I'm a non-smoker myself, but I'll try some names for you:

    Smoking Freedom (nothing pun, but it could sound very inviting for the smokers)

    Passion for a Smoke (nothing pun again, on the contrary - very straightforward)

    Smoky Blues (works on symbols, music related, slightly pun-intended)

    Vital Smoke (hmm, somewhat sarcastic, but very much pun-intended for smokers, I would say)

    I also like the ideas by skoobie99. Very good ones.

    "Holy Smoke" has been taken already, yes. It's a song by Iron Maiden. There is also a movie with the same title. And I bet, not only this.

    Good luck!
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi there

    how about these..

    "Smokers' Den" (i think the name was in the movie Waterworld)

    "Cloud Ring" (the cloud created by many smokers' 'ring' in a room)

    "LIPS" (acronym of Lights, Puffs, Smoke)

    "Puffs and Smokes" aka PnS

    "Havana & Virginia" (taking cue from Virginia blend and Havana cigar, you can use acronym H&V, even V&H, somthing similar to B&H, Benson & Hedges)

    hope this helps. will get back if something more comes up.


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