
Topic: Advertising/PR


Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points

I'm in need ideas for a product re-launch. The target market is women in rural africa where there is a high incidence rate of diahrea. The product is called clorin and it kills all bacteria in contaminated water. We are re-launching it in a new bottle shape. How can I make the launch sophistcated and entertaining to a low literacy audience.
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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi there

    you can use clay models in making the advertisement where by you show the bacteria as a demon and living in water. one never sees the 'demon' while drinking and once it gets into ones stomach it causes diarrhoea.

    now show the Clorin as a white saviour in the shape of your brand and it jumps into water to kill the demon. so anyone drinking that clean water will not get infected.

    thats just from top of my head, you can use the same concept in creating various cartoon characters and organize Road-Shows for the rural areas to launch the brand. or you can use them as POS materials. Personally i prefer the Road-shows, given what little you have told us.

    hope this helps.


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