
Topic: Student Questions

Mainstreaming A Product

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello there,

What does mainstreaming a product mean and what strategies does one need to employ to mainstream?

Are there other ways to get the majority of a target market besides mainstreaming the product? In which ways can you achieve the same penetration without mainstreaming?

Thank you for your responses.
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    I guess no one was willing to do your homework for you this time, hmm?

    If your assignment isn't finished, and if you have access to a library, you could get some great ideas from Geoffrey Moore's book Crossing the Chasm.

    If you've got less time, read this article here on MarketingProfs:
    How to Get Your Products Featured in the Mainstream

    Good luck! And please do some of your own research before posting more homework in the forum. You'll get better results.

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