
Topic: Advertising/PR

Help Needed In Selling Advertising Space On Cars

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I want to start a company which has a database of people who have various driving patterns throughout the city. I then want to approach SMB's and sell advertising space on these vehicles essentially making them moving billboards. The driver of the car will receive money based on how many Kilometres they drive and how frequently he/she drives on busy traffic routes.(For fully wrapped cars, GPS tracking could be used to reassure companies that their ads are being seen and that the drivers are following the agreed upon routes to and from work etc.). I beleive there are many drivers out there who would go for this as long as the graphics look somewhat tastefull . I think that people who commute to Toronto from surrounding areas might be ideal prospects as they are getting slammed with ever increasing gas prices. I know this idea is not unique but I think it is an untapped market in the Toronto area.

My question is: How should I market this idea, locate potentially interested Drivers and Companies to sell the ad space to?

Please help.
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  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    It may just be that I’m British and therefore terribly reserved, but I think that someone would have to be stark-barking-bonkers to agree to have some corporate twaddle plastered all over their personal car.

    And as to agreeing to have some third party monitor their movements via GPS? That unexpected visit at 12.30 a.m. to 1122 Vermont and Queens, or whatever you Canadians call the red light district of town? You’d trust them with that kind of intrusion into your personal life?

    Seriously, I agree with Vevolution in that you should study this one long and deep before committing your funds. I think that rob probably alluded to the correct model to compare it with – these people probably need help. They are not formula One drivers and even Michael Schumacher doesn’t have a McDonalds logo on his Merc and his helicopter has only the mandatory civil aviation identifier!

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Time for some market research, I'd say.

    First, I'd start talking to people in the advertising business. There are several good agencies in Toronto. Talk to them. Prepare yourself for the interviews by creating a short list of the questions you'd want answered. Memorize the list. Then go into the meetings and ask. Listen to what they say, and take detailed notes.

    Don't try to convince these folks that your idea is wonderful. Just ask your questions and record what they say. Talk to at least a dozen savvy advertising folks. I'll bet they've seen things like this before. And, if they're any good, they know what their clients want/need too.

    After you've spoken to at least a dozen people, go through your notes and see if you can find a common thread, or some anomalies that might suggest a marketing strategy for yourself. Or be open to the possibility that the great idea isn't so great after all. (I'm not saying I think it is or isn't. I'm just urging you to maintain a sense of objectivity at this stage.)

    When you've done this, come back and we'll help you take the next step.

  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Hi, Adam --

    As a recovering entrepreneur myself, I have only one heartfelt piece of advice to add. Keep using this forum as a resource and a sounding board. It's the best place to get advice, especially if you PARTICIPATE in the thread after you post a question.

    Use all the other resources on the MarketingProfs website, too. There's a lot of great articles you can access here for free. If you're serious about getting your business launched, spend the $50 for a Premium membership so you get ALL the good stuff.

    Good luck! I look forward to hearing more about your progress.
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi AJ

    a very interesting idea indeed. i share the views of Steve that whether the drivers will accept the intrusion into private life thru' GPS tracking.

    if you have completely thought about this business in details as the experts mentioned, like the target area, targeted segment of drivers etc. then you can do the following....

    1. create a communication material (billboard, direct mail brochure etc.) that says something catchy like "How much did you earn today Driving" or "More Driving More Earning" or "Earn while you Drive" and send them to all the car-owners in your targeted area i.e. Toronto suburbs.

    2. you can prepare newspaper insertion and send it to the targeted drivers. or warp the rolled newspaper with your insertion, so that people read before throwing away.

    3. you have to develop a comparative cost benefit calculations, on why companies would advertise in your cars, they would like to see financial benefit, more visibility mileage at lesser costs.

    4. whenever you talk to the ad agencies or companies, they would like to know why they should advertise in your car. so u better have a convincing reason, in terms of mobility of ad as opposed to other static methods like Billboards, longer-duration viewing at traffic points as opposed to TV ads, whats different/beneficial than branding a public bus etc.

    5. usually, not all companies use advertising agencies. which kind of companies/products will benefit most from placing ad in your cars. make a list of all those and a list of who uses Ad Agencies and who dont.

    5. based on your comparative cost benefit calculation, you should, as micheal mentioned, talk to advertising agencies who handle various accounts of companies based on your list.

    6. then also directly pitch to those companies of your list who dont use ad agencies for ad placement.

    hope this helps.


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