
Topic: Advertising/PR

How Do I Start A Campaign

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I want to know how to start a viral email campaign that is not spam.
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    I'm sure you have done some initial research, but here are some good guides:

    Remember there are a couple of key aspects that you must include in any viral campaign.

    1. offer something for nothing (free draw, free gift, free software etc)
    2. Make your message easy to pass from person to person (i.e. via email)
    3. must exploit a common want/need/behaviour for your market.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    Then do what hotmail did, put a link to your site/service/ bussiness atthe bottom of every email you send out. Make sure the email has great content for the targeted customer. Not a sales pitch but somthing like white paper that is very useful to them ( maybe somethign they migth pay $100's of dollars for. And have a link to "Send to a friend".

    Other ways you could go about it, is have a competion where to enter they have to solve a puzzle about the industry, or B2C you could do what Telecom New Zealand is currently doing , where you have to make a story with the heading in the yellow pages. The prize is an IPOD and the story posted on a billborad with there name on it. To enter you have to make a story, and give a friends email address, if they enter you get another entire into the draw to win.

    With the VERY limited info you have given this is the best i can do, please provide more info about what you want to do, who is your target, why do you think your email is spam ... etc etc

    The more info the better we can help you.

    Sorry for my spelling i dont have time to check it
  • Posted by adammjw on Accepted
    You have to follow a couple of rules:

    - draw on people's desires, needs
    - give away a coveted product,service or info
    -your message must be easily transferable to others
    -it has to be scalable from small to big
    -use every opportunity to place links on other websites


  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    You ought to read the recent MarketingProfs articles on Buzz Marketing. Try putting the keyword "buzz" in the Search box at the top of this page.

    There are also new resources here (virtual seminars, Thought Leader Summit transcripts) on the same topic, but to access those you'd need to sign up for a Premium Plus membership. If you're serious about marketing or if you're starting a business on your own, I highly recommend it!

    Check out the different membership plans. You can click on my name and see my profile to understand why I'm suggesting this. ;]

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