
Topic: Website Critique

Lots Of Hits, Little Response

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi everyone.

I have a website that is garnering a fair amount of visits and hits. (I can see this thru the control panel facility the provider provides.) However, I don't get very many responses/emails/calls from my visitors. Is there any rhyme or reason to increase this rate of visits to "warm potentials" I guess I would call them???

We sell a school management software package. Our website main address is Our main package is Command School.

I would appreciate any thoughts or critiques.

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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    There's nothing compelling your visitors to give you their contact info. (A promise of a demo ain't gonna do it.)

    Give them something for free. A whitepaper, a case study, some survey results, anything that someone in your target audience would find interesting and relevant. Have an extremely short form for them to fill out (name, email address) and when they hit the Okay button, take them to a page where they can download the free report.

    THEN you can start building a list for email marketing. You've got to start a relationship with people somewhere, you know?

    There's a ton of material (articles, virtual seminars) on the MarketingProfs website that tell you how to pull this off. I know because I've been a fan and a customer for eons, and now I do part-time work for them. (That's my disclaimer, by the way.) Pay for an annual membership to get to the really good stuff -- it's worth it!

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