
Topic: Website Critique

Does Our New Website Work For You?

Posted by chough on 50 Points
We have just launched our new website, which has a lot less content & detail than our old one, the rationale is, we don't really want to give the "crown jewels" of our approach/methodology until we meet prospects face to face, and the website is an introduction/teaser.
Comments/crits gratefully accepted.
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    You lost me on the first click.

    What the heck are you doing with an "Enter" page? And when I click that, why the heck do you need to launch a new browser window? Which is a big blank box for me, by the way, because I use Firefox.

    So far what I see instills zero confidence in your company's skill set. If you've got crown jewels, why are you showing the world cheap rhinestones? C'mon, you can do WAY better than this. ;]
  • Posted by chough on Author
    Thank you for your candour! Points noted! keep 'em coming… I can take it *sob* Seriously folks all valid points & great feedback.
  • Posted by chough on Author
    How about my other site for comparison:
  • Posted by zapprabbit on Accepted

    Don't you listen to the neo-ludites!
    Most of what has been said about your site is based on a lowest common denominator approach.
    "I don't understand good design"
    "I built my HTML site on my home PC"
    Have you seen some of these folks bland websites??? Just take a look....
    Sorry SRyan and skoobie99 but if you live in glass houses etc.

    If you follow the comments above you will be left with a bog basic left hand navigation site in navy blue, just like all the other PC home built websites out there.

    You are selling creativity, so stick with doing things differently, why use HTML when your sending a NOW! WOW! message.
    If you audience can't see Flash pages or their Modem is still from the last century... then I guess you wont want their custom anyway.

    The green is great and says 'Fresh' and I do like the barcode style loading bar, your on message here.
    Where I do agree on the other comments is that there are some technical problems on loading in some areas (this isn't a design issue everyone - it just a technical issue in the Flash file) go back in and see how the sections are set up to load in.

    Most of the site works fine on my Mac in both Safari and Explorer, but as we still live and work in a world where Dinosaur
    PC rule, then you will need to test all your platforms as much as you can.
    Please remember that you don't need to worry about the folks with low spec computer systems as most of them are petty Crown Jewel thieves and Flash just makes it harder for them to steal!

  • Posted by chough on Author
    Thanks gang,

    Useful & constructive comments. Some technical issues to address, I'm going to have a serious chat with our flash guru, and we'll be losing the enter page and site opening in the new window.

    In regards to the brands we represent, I'm a bit suprised you're underwhelmed skoobie... Castrol, Kodak, Johnson Wax & Verbatim are all global brands, BP is a multinational petroleum company, Wild Bean Cafe is an exciting brand in the UK, and Nurofen & Strepsils are Uk market leaders and strong in Europe.

    Do you guys think it's acceptable/good practice to use examples of clients that are no longer active, we had 5 years of working with both KFC and Mercedes Benz, which are obviously fantastic brands, but no longer current? (sorry to sneak in a suplementary question there!)

    Nice to have some positive feedback too Zapp! Thank you!
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    You're crazy NOT to use those client examples. If you have screenshots from your work, put them on your site. Good luck!

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