
Topic: Student Questions

What Is Corporate Branding?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I would like to know about Corporate Branding. I am confused about various similar meaning terms like umbrella branding, megabranding and corporate branding. I would like to know what exactly is corporate branding along with examples or cases.
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Corporate branding is the process by which you impart a personality or public image to an entire company, not just its products or services.

    It's different from "umbrella branding" because "umbrella" suggests that there are specific sub-brands sharing an identity.

    Maybe this will help:

    Procter & Gamble, a corporate entity, has a brand image or "corporate brand." It's often referred to as "P&G" (a friendlier version of the more formal company name).

    The company also has a number of brands, each with their own identities and personalities -- Tide, Crest, Pampers, etc., etc.

    In a few cases, it has "umbrella" brands, like Ivory -- which is a bar soap, a liquid dishwashing detergent, and a light-duty laundry product. (That's unusual for P&G, but it happened.)

    None of the individual brands, or the umbrella brand, use the P&G brand as part of their identity. P&G is strictly the corporate brand.

    Of course, sometime the corporate image is so important to the individual brands that the corporate brand is also an umbrella brand, covering many different products/services as well as the corporation. It can work (think about IBM, for example), but usually it's difficult to suggest a single benefit for a diverse family of products and services, so the corporate brand is better left intact for the corporation.

    Hope this clears things up for you.

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