
Topic: Advertising/PR

Marketing Plan Writing Software

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I need a recommended and tried marketing plan writing turn key solution program.(ie: jian marketing plan builder,palo alto
marketing plan pro, planmagic).
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    My recommendation is to not use a turnkey solution program for marketing planning. It defeats the purpose of marketing planning. Besides the actual writing is the easy part. It's figuring out what your unique selling proposition is, developing a great positioning statement, and understanding your customers in considerable depth that make a marketing plan work. No computer program can do that.

    It's like trying to write a great novel with a computer program. So far all the attempts to do that have failed. A few television series have tried the computer-assisted "formula" approach, and the writers ended up with more work fixing them than if they'd written them from scratch. (I have a cousin who is a script writer in Hollywood, and he's told me about some of the fiascos. For a while, there was a lot of work revising the computer scripts.)

    If anything, a great marketing plan is more difficult to create than a novel. Stay away from the programs that ask you 1,000 questions and then generate a marketing plan for you. The thinking and creativity burden is still on you, and a good word processor can help you put the words on paper.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Rick, I wonder if there is a template you could use at And I know a lot of people on this forum have recommended as a resource.

    Speaking of which... there's a Search Resources link on the right side of this page. Maybe you can look there to see what other MarketingProfs members have suggested. I'm guessing the Strategy category would be a good place to start.

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