
Topic: Career/Training

Talent Assets

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi. I am conducting a workshop and I seek some views about "How To Ensure Returns on Talent Assets For An Organisation". These views are going to be used as supplements and will not form the main content.

These views will be provided to participants -thus I will appreciate if responders can provide me with your bio, company, website so that I can give the proper credits.

Aternatively, you can email me at Email address deleted by Staff

Thank you.
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    You might get better input from people on an HR forum instead of a marketing forum. Here's one:
  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Accepted

    I believe if you want to get true return on your talent assets, you need to create a pay scale that does not force your staff to change positions, within your company or another, to simply get a larger paycheck.

    If excellence takes years to achieve, then allow them to have a great time getting to their pinnacle.

    Hope that helps.

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