
Topic: Advertising/PR

Looking For A Door Hanging Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
being a advertising company is really hard when you have those who take your money and run.we want to change the way people feel about out door adverting.can you offer any way to get aggressive advertising looked on in a differant way?whats the best way to get our name out to those who need door hanging?
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  • Posted by chough on Accepted
    I'm still a little unclear, but here goes...

    Don't do good work, do EXCELLENT work. Get testimonials. Build a reputation.

    DON'T (if you are) market yourself as 'Aggressive" wrong message - negative connitations.

    Be professional in everything you do. Market yourself as the trusted alternative, don't explictly knock your opposition, do it by inference. Have an independent body verify you are doing what you claim to do. Do some PR work. Put up a professional website.
    Stess your uniqueness.

    None of this will cost you a fortune.

    If you are as different as you claim, word will soon get around, and despite what advertising hucksters say, you still can't beat
    word of mouth!

  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    If you're an advertising company, why do you need someone else to tell you how to advertise?

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