
Topic: Advertising/PR

Buy A List

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am planning to put on a seminar on workforce development. I am targeting businesses with 100 plus employees. I dont have a lot of money to spend. Can any one direct me where I can look for a list?
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  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    Go to your public library. Ask at the reference desk for the Illinois Manufacturers Directory (or whatever state you live in).

    It will list all companies and the number of employees. OR, you can pay one of our staff to do the same thing for you if you don't have time.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Compile a list from your website by prequalifying your contacts that visit. When they sign up for more information ask a few qualifying questions.

    Ok, that being said use the internet to research. There are many sites that profile companies. Visit ones like and While these sites profile companies from an investment standpoint they do offer considerable information that you maybe able to use.

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