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Promoting Church Event -- Help!!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What is a simple and inexpensive way to promote a Youth Conference that I am doing in my area? It's a non-profit event, there's no charge. There's no specific denomination, race, or gender. I want all people interested in changing their lives. It's a 3-day event and I really, and I mean really get the word out about this event. Can anyone help me, or point me in the right direction?
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  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    The previous postings contain some very good ideas and I am sure that they will bring in attendees, but will it meet your desire to reach out to people who want to change their lives? Members of congregations, listeners to Christian radio stations and so on will already have embarked on that journey.

    There is a huge groundswell of people who are seeking spiritual meaning to their lives and they are willing to investigate ideas which look appealing – be they new age spiritualism, far eastern mysticism, holistic new age earth mother stuff or Christianity with a friendly welcoming face. It’s those people that you might want to target as well as the more established church-goers.

    In the UK, we run a series of alpha courses, which originated in London and were conceived by a barrister called Nicky Gumbel. It is now sweeping America. The synergy here and the idea I want to suggest to you is that Nicky asked people to attend a course investigating the basis of Christianity who were not likely to be Christians.

    He invited people who were naturally sceptical about Christian beliefs and wanted them to come with all their misgivings – not to be converted or argued at, but to allow them to voice their own thoughts and doubts in the context of a set of activities which would encourage them to challenge not only our own Christian beliefs but their own preconceptions. The changes and benefits that Alpha has now brought to millions of people speak for themselves.

    If you are prepared to encompass a whole bunch of non-believers and engage in a sympathetic, empathic discussion of your principals in the context of their existing beliefs, you can target the white and blue collar workers who are not a natural part of any established church community.

    Go out to their offices and ask for your publicity to be displayed on their notice boards. Ask if you can leave literature in their refectories or in reception. See if they will give you space on their intranets or on their websites. You will need to be non-judgmental and offer an opportunity for people to explore their beliefs, examine their pre-conceptions about Christianity and to let them know that you will value their ideas, their scepticism and even their possible hostility.

    Most of the negatives will melt away in a loving, non judgemental atmosphere where they will feel valued for expressing their ideas. Let them know that you are not seeking converts but that you are seeking to open people’s minds.

    The spirit moves in a mysterious way – it requires hard work and planning and sometimes, for Christians with very strong views on what is right and what is wrong, it is a test of their own humility.

    If you are feeling brave, go out into the world of the people you would never have dreamed would want to attend your conference and be prepared to be surprised!

    Good luck in your endeavour

    Steve Alker
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Sounds scary. Three days? People changing their lives?

    It's not in Waco, Texas, is it?

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