
Topic: Advertising/PR

Pay-per Call Campaign? Anyone Use It?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello. I have just been reading about pay-per call online advertising. basically it seems there are companies out there that will advertise your business online, and list a phone number. They somehow can track the calls that come in to your business that are generated from the ads, and you are charged around 2-10 dollars per call. This sounds ideal for my company, as clicks are a far cry from a sale for what we sell, and an actually voice on the phone will get us much more sales. Has anyone had success with this? Anyone know a good company to use? Anyone know how they track which calls are generated from the ads? Anyone know if this works?
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Briannotspam,

    I believe Puru is talking about something completely different than what you are interested in.

    What you are talking about is based on pay-per-click search engine advertising except instead of clicking on an ad, the ad features a unique 8XX number that prospects call for more info.

    I have looked extensively into pay-per-call marketing and my best advice is to go to Google and type in "pay per call" and you will find all the best information you need.

    Too much information to cover in the time and space alloted here.

    ClickZ has recently featured many articles on it

    Also at

    Both great resources - relevant, current and accurate.

    Ingenio is a leader as is Miva

    I hope that helps.

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