
Topic: Customer Behavior

How To Increase Direct Marketing Response Rate?

Posted by Anonymous on 200 Points
I am doing a direct marketing to businesses to do workshop development. I am targeting 200 businesses to begin with. I would like to know what can I do to increase my rate of response?

In my mail I am sending a letter, brochure, an article about the business and a reply envelope. Are these enough to get a response?

I urgently need some advice. Thank you.
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  • Posted by adammjw on Accepted

    The answer to your question depends, first of all, on how well you have worked out your database of customers.Have you checked in some way what their needs are and in what way your project can and will answer their needs?Do you address influencers and decision-takers in those companies? Have you established any contacts with these companies before or it's your first contact with these companies?Who can stand behind you by way of testimonials and referrals to support your cause?

  • Posted on Author
    Hello adamcustom,

    This is my first contact with these companies. The services I am offering is well needed from a global perspective. I narrow my database to manufacturing companies that have 100 plus employees. I target this group because there is always some mobility going on. Either downsizing, restructuring or layoff. I agree this happens in most companies but it occurs most often in manufacturing companies. It is most common to hear on the radio how many plants are laying off workers.
    In this mailing I did target the HR personnel.

    Another question I am seeking answer for is how do you target companies using email? Will the response rate be greater or lesser? I would like some answers from people who use this medium. Thanks
  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    The key to improving your response rate is to target as specifically as you possibly can and then make sure you have a great offer written very specifically to the target audience.

    You need to address the issue that your target audience perceives as being of highest value/highest priority, and you need to have the copy written by someone who really knows direct mail/response. The secret is to have really great copy, and it's not something that amateurs generally do well.

    Calculate the dollar value of getting a 2.5 or 3.0% response rate versus 0.5% or less. That's what you should be willing to pay a really great direct response copywriter. (Of course, the first thing the copywriter will ask you is who the target audience is, and then they'll try to get you to narrow it, narrow it some more, and then narrow that even more!)

    I've seen a response rate over 12% with a highly targeted list and great copy.

  • Posted by adammjw on Member

    The response rate you can expect in direct mail will range between 0%- 2% depending on the relevance of your offer to the audience.
    In order to increase it you would have to customize your offer as per specific needs of your segmented public.
    Then the copy comes in.

  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    These are the things that improve response rate from the work you send out:

    o Attention value - does your piece have it?
    o Instant Message - can respondants see the benefit immediately?
    o Impact - does it have that wow factor
    o Writing Style - is it in the right tone for your audience?
    o Promise a specific benefit - do you have a USP?
    o Credibility - are you and your mailing credible?
    o Easy to Understand - well is it honestly ?
    o Action - is there a strong call to action ?

    [Note: all this is in a model you can get free from my website, just click on my name and follow the link]

    o Are you sending it out to the right audience ?
    o Are you sending it out at the right time?
    o Is your offer what they want to see ?

    You have some great advice in all these posts, accept a small percentage of it, and you should improve the response rate.

    Good Luck
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks to all of you for your response. I appreciate all your response. It is important to narrow your target as suggested by Adamcustom and Fred. Also, I appreciate Andrews list of things I should consider when mailing peices. I would like to know what the rate of response would be based on these criterias using internet marketing?
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks to everyone for your input. I appreciate it.

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