
Topic: Advertising/PR

How Do You Find Where Competitors Are Advertising?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am try to look into places that competitors maybe advertising, what is a good way to find out they may be doing regional advertising in other regions. Also it is for a manufacturing company to give a little more information.
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  • Posted by Markitek on Accepted
    TNS Media Intelligence is one source.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You might ask their customers if they've seen advertising recently. If so, where?

    If their customers haven't seen it, then it's probably not very effective.

    Why do you care where your competitors are advertising? Why not just advertise to your prime prospects as effectively and efficiently as you can? What's to say that your competitors are any better at reaching the target audience than you would be on your own?
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    You don’t say where you are based. In the UK, the best source of info on competitor’s advertising and PR activities is Romeike:

    For a retainer and a fee per cutting, they will monitor the UK national, recreational, trade and web press for your competitors. They do this by use of key words you supply, such as the company names, the names of their products or the generic terms used for their products. They have an International service, but you might be better served seeking out something local.

    The technical tem for such a company is a “press clippings agency” or “press cuttings agency”. When you put these terms into Google along with Advertising, you should find some agencies relevant to the part of Tierra del Fuego or Uzbekistan or wherever you come from.

    I agree with Michael Goodman that looking for places that competitors advertise in order to copy them is pretty silly. I have used a clippings agency for 18 years (Mainly the above one) in order to see what the competition are up to, spot new products so I can familiarise my team with the forthcoming competition and occasionally to browbeat my MD into spending more money on marketing.

    The last usage is to support a fallacious argument as no marketing manager in his or her right mind would try to set their marketing budget by looking at what their competition are doing, but few CEO’s know that!

    Embarrassment at acres of press coverage achieved by a rival was, however, a useful lubricant for oiling the wheels of the money machine which dispensed the cash to pay for my marketing efforts. After all, I’m providing them with the means to make the money in the first place.

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi Will

    you can ask advertising or research firms to do the compilation for you, but that will be a consolidation. There are some Media Tracking agencies who track the consolidated ad spending by companies across various medium.

    for your particular case and reason i doubt whether you will get any of-the-shelf data or information. Since you are a b2b company, you can commission an agency who has a good network and ask them to subscribe to all media related to your industry and they will give you a compilation of all advertisement in all medium. Or you can do it by yourself.

    hope this helps although i couldnt be more specific.


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