
Topic: Advertising/PR

Keeping An Offer *urgent* All The Time (reply By 4/30)

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm getting great online ad results for a client with a single product -- a magazine -- and a monthly offer that involves a discount. Each month we've upped the price a little bit more.

Once the price is as high as we want to make it, what is the best way to continue making the offer urgent?

Would it be adding some extra or "free" item of value? Would it be "resetting" the price after a pause? Any other good suggestions for keeping a sustainable sense of urgency with the same product?


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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi pgoldsc:

    Some other ideas involving something nobody likes - PAIN and PROBLEMS.

    Address something painful that happens in their life by not buying your magazine.

    Remind them head on what that pain is, and how painful it is.

    Then remind them how your magazine can make that pain go away or how they can solve their problem(s).

    Remind them how embarrassing it is to have that problem that you can solve for them, just by subscribing to your magazine NOW!

    Remind them that the future insecurity of having the pain and problem will affect them directly in the present - and that you can solve it for them or help them overcome it if they act quickly.

    I hope that helps.

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