
Topic: Advertising/PR

Help Getting Started With Beer Promotions

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi. I am starting a job doing promotions in bars for a beer company. I am trying to come up with a few fun nights for a weekly promotion at some bars, doing the same theme every week. So far we have trivia and beer pong nights. I am basically just trying to get our product moving and maintain relationships with bar owners. I have a limited expense account and would love some help with some ideas for these consistent weekly promotions, or even just some fun one-time nights that I could do in a bar with a limited budget to promote our beer. Thank you!
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    Well lets see.

    Jazz Night (with a live band)

    $2 Drinks every night until 12am (that goes down REALLY WELL in Dunedin at the Two Bears (Its a bar))

    Wife beater Wednesday, this is where you give away "wife beater" t-shirts, it a t-shirts with no sleeves and is called a "wife beater" in New Zealand slang. There was a lot of controversy and media coverage about this one (business boomed),ther run it for a few months and maked sure to let people protest out side the bar :) it attracted more CHICKs when the feminist groups start protesting.

    One off events:

    Dress up in school uniforms (they have clubs like this in England) and have a party.

    Midget tossing? (maybe not)

    maybe get the toilet seats that have wheels and a motor on them and drive them around the bar as a race.

    70's night (or any other period in history) and give prizes of $100 bar tab out as a prize for the best dressed.

    If i think of any more i will post them.
  • Posted by StarsDie on Accepted
    Cool advice from TruProphet and FireFox 1.0.7, some are really fun.

    On a different note, for a limited budget I would recommend to make a co-promotion with some producer of snacks for beers: you can double the forces and share the expenses, and it will actually look like a huge campaign.

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