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Brand Metrics: Three Pathways to Measure ROI

Don E. Schultz
Thu., Apr. 5, 2007, 12pm ET (9am PT)
90 minutes
This online marketing seminar received 4.5 star(s)

Measurement is one of the most critical challenges for all marketing people. The need to demonstrate the value of the brand and branding activities only compounds the problem. In this session, Professor Don Schultz will illustrate the model he has developed that:

  1. Outlines the primary branding and marketing communication challenges and measurement methodologies
  2. Illustrates how these metrics do and don't work together
  3. Helps branding and marketing professionals determine what measurement tools to use and how to reach internal consensus on the use of those measurement techniques.

Termed the Three Pathway model, the approach clearly illustrates the methodologies available including Customer Brand Equity, ROI (Return on Investment), ROCI (Return on Customer Investments) and ROBI (Return on Brand Investments) and how they might be used individually and in combination.

This program has been used by marketing professionals all over the world. It is culture and even accounting agnostic. Most important, it enables marketing managers to discuss branding and marketing communication metrics on a level playing field with their internal financial and accounting counterparts. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn about this important management topic from a distinguished Northwestern University professor.


Don E. Schultz is Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication at Northwestern University. He is also president of the global marketing consultancy, Agora, Inc., which serves a broad variety of marketing organizations, agencies, media and non-profit organizations around the world.

Professor Schultz holds a PhD in mass media and an MA in advertising from Michigan State University. He is the author of 13 books, including his latest books, Brand Babble: Sense and Nonsense About Brands and Branding and IMC: The Next Generation. He has published more than 100 articles on marketing, advertising branding, sales promotion and integrated communication in most of the leading trade and academic journals around the world. He is a regular columnist of Marketing Management and Marketing News magazines.

Prior to his academic career, Dr. Schultz spent 15 years in media and advertising agency management, the last 10 at Tracy-Locke Advertising and Public Relations in Dallas, where he was a senior VP and management supervisor on a number of national accounts.

Dr. Schultz lectures, conducts seminars and conferences and consults on five continents. His current research and teaching focuses on communication integration, branding and the financial measures of marketing and communication and internal marketing.

Who Should Attend?

Who Should Attend: Marketing professionals in B2B and B2C industries will benefit from the advice and techniques shared in this seminar.

What Will You Learn?

  • Pathway One: Customer Brand Equity metrics derived from tracking studies of attitudinal variables. Most useful in improving branding and marketing communication programs.
  • Pathway Two: Short-Term Incremental Sales measurement approaches which illustrate the financial returns the firm receives from sales and marketing activities.
  • Pathway Three: Brand Value and Shareholder Equity measurement illustrates the measures of longer-term brand and branding activities that build corporate and shareholder value.

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