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  • Learn how generative AI is about to revolutionize search with conversational queries and creative search responses, challenging traditional SEO strategies. Start preparing for the future.

  • Generative AI is undeniably having an impact on every facet of business (and our lives), and that certainly includes marketing. For marketers, adapting to and embracing genAI is not just an option, it's a necessity.

  • In the new year, one thing is clear: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of the marketing conversation. As we move further into 2024, the marketing landscape will be shaped by four trends.

  • Is artificial intelligence more creative than marketers when developing content? Does AI-generated content tend to be of higher or lower quality compared with human-created content?

  • The bad news is that marketing isn't going to get any easier in 2024. The good news is that your marketing output is sure to improve if you use these three predictions to work both smarter and harder in the new year. See what's ahead...

  • Are B2B and B2C firms adopting generative AI tools for marketing at the same rate? How does generative AI use differ among firms in different countries?

  • The world as we know it changed dramatically in 2023—generative AI's breakout year. So, what have we learned in the past year from the AI whiplash rollercoaster ride? Trends, takeaways, advice... it's all here.

  • Marketers are well aware that artificial intelligence and the metaverse have the potential to be transformational technologies. What's less well known is that these powerful tools are incredibly demanding on the datasphere.

  • Even the most seasoned social media marketers struggle with creating a constant stream of high-quality content. Burnout and inconsistency are common side effects. Here's how ChatGPT can help.

  • How can marketers strategically deliver the next generation of B2B customer experiences? And how do you get your executive team on board? This article offers a few ideas.

  • Marketers who rate their B2B firm's influencer program as very effective are more likely to say they outsource the work, use AI, and keep the program going continually, according to recent research from TopRank Marketing and Ascend2.

  • AI adoption has the potential to bring the much-beleaguered CMO role to the frontline of business operations. With the CEO and C-suite's support, CMOs can use AI responsibly to drive digital change and meet growth goals. Here's how.

  • Most senior marketers say their understanding of artificial intelligence is at the beginner or intermediate level, according to recent research from Drift and the Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute.

  • Cold emails often get a bad rap for being intrusive, generic, and spammy. Can ChatGPT help? You bet it can.

  • Considering outsourcing your thought leadership content to generative AI? You may want to reconsider, as editors are well aware of the risks and inaccuracies that come with content created solely by AI.

  • How are artificial intelligence and automation affecting marketing operations at large businesses? To find out, Algomarketing surveyed 300 global marketing leaders who work for firms with 10,000 or more employees.

  • 'Tis the season for thinking about next year before this year is even over! This article looks at how to plan, but not over-plan, for the new year by creating a flexible road map.

  • Nearly half of recent job seekers looking for office work say they lied about their artificial intelligence skills during the hiring process, according to recent research from Resume Builder.

  • To help sort through the many options available on the market, TopRank Marketing created this infographic covering more than 30 of the best generative AI tools for B2B marketers.

  • GenAI's positive benefits outweigh its negative consequences, but that doesn't make those consequences any less real. This article lists future concerns about the use of AI, from basic to dystopian.