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  • Don't let all your hard work building awareness, generating demand, and nurturing prospects go to naught. Your sales team needs your help moving those prospects further down the funnel. You can start by using your existing marketing materials. This presentation by Pam Didner was recorded live at #mpb2b 2020 and is available exclusively to PRO subscribers.

  • You've launched your campaign and your team is excited. And to get to the next level, you have to evolve like a marketer! Discover what metrics matter—and why—in our final session of the Digital Brand Activation Working Webinar series. Join branding expert Nick Westergaard in this PRO-exclusive Working Webinar. One part workbook. One part webinar. 100% action-oriented to take your next campaign to the moon.

  • Does your B2B company need rocket fuel? Start inspiring and nurturing true fans. This keynote presentation by David Meerman Scott, based on his book, Fanocracy, was recorded live at #mpb2b 2020 and is available exclusively to PRO subscribers.

  • How do you maintain a human connection and create meaningful experiences in a world where in-person interactions are canceled, but marketing is not? This presentation by Ashley Zeckman was recorded live at #mpb2b 2020 and is available exclusively to PRO subscribers.

  • Social justice issues often unfold at lightning speed. But to be a leader in your organization in today's complex environment, you need to challenge workplace norms and off-limits tops, not sit on the sidelines. This presentation by Katie Kern—applicable to both B2B and B2C marketers—was recorded live at #mpb2b 2020 and is available exclusively to PRO subscribers.

  • It's time to go beyond measuring content consumption. A smarter, more creative approach? Measure your audience's behavioral changes. This presentation by Robert Rose was recorded live at #mpb2b 2020 and is available exclusively to PRO subscribers.

  • In-person events, be it tradeshows, conferences, sales pitches, or even internal meetings, are now all but non-existent. All those presentations are now online. And, let's face it, some of those could use a little help. This presentation by Brian Fanzo was recorded live at #mpb2b 2020 and is available exclusively to PRO subscribers.