LIVE! Fri., Jun. 14, 2024 at 11:30 AM ET

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Learn the week’s latest on how hacks can amp social cred, YouTube’s newsroom play, and Facebook’s Stories to Share feature … among other things. You’ll also see the hottest viral brand video and find out what mobile social network has more users than Twitter. Skim for the scoop!

A watch for tomorrow. “Evolution,”Samsung’s ad for the Galaxy Gear smartwatch, topped viral charts with a montage of futuristic watches in pop culture. (We love us some nostalgia.) Its take on futuristic wrist candy resembles the Pebble, which syncs with iPhones (though Apple hasn’t produced its own take on a smartwatch yet). Samsung’s looking at 13M views and counting since the video launched two weeks ago.

How many positions can you take on beheading? Facebook suffered rage-buzz for reversing its position on a decision to ban videos depicting extreme violence, like beheadings. UK Prime Minister David Cameron weighed in: “It’s irresponsible of Facebook to post beheading videos, especially without a warning. They must explain their actions to worried parents.” As of Tuesday, the ‘Book released a statement, promising to remove posts if they’re “shared for sadistic pleasure or to celebrate violence.” Iffy videos or images will also include “a warning and sharing it with an age-appropriate audience.” Hear that? That’s the sound of parents all over the world breathing a sigh of relief.

Dinosaurs on the digital runway! We all like a fun surprise. Vogue won geek cred when users discovered that by visiting and tapping up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, velociraptors with fancy hats appear across the bottom of the page! (Hit A repeatedly if you want more to appear.) It isn’t clear whether this was an outside job or an “easter egg” from developers, but the beloved hack’s been appearing on different Condé Nast sites since as early as July. We suspect that if it were an attack it would have stopped working since (though maybe now it’ll stop just to make us look silly).

Slice-and-dicing tweets. Speaking of hacks, MTV France enjoyed retweets galore with a hack that produces claw marks in tweets, breaking Twitter’s design frames. MTV FR and agency Darewin (disclosure: a client) say it’s the first time a visual “signature’s” been created for a brand on Twitter. The original tweet (which reads “RT if you see my claws”) generated over 5,000 retweets, not to mention 2000+ RT’s for follow-ups featuring the same hack. Twitter France blessed the act with an endorsement of its own.

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#SocialSkim: Social Media This Week, Including Instagram Ads, Facebook Stories to Share, YouTube's News Channel

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image of Angela Natividad
Angela Natividad is a social media strategist, copywriter, and journalist based in Paris. A Bay Area native and lover of vending machine candies, she co-founded and is a frequent guest on marketing podcast The Beancast. You can follow her on Twitter at @luckthelady.