
Topic: Copywriting

Need A Simple Privacy Policy For A B2b Web Site

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I'm looking for a short, sweet and simple privacy policy for a B2B website. Most examples I've seen are long and overly comlex for this company's needs. Beyond the anonymous web stats, they ask for a site visitor's contact info only when the visitor is requesting more information (e.g. to have a salesperson call) and will use the info to follow up on that inquiry. At this point they don't plan to do regular outbound email campaigns. Any examples out there?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Check out the Privacy policy on this site! It's exactly what you described.

    I use it on my site as well!

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi Lisa,

    I helped startup a B to B a couple of years ago and when it came time for our privacy policy I checked out some competitors websites and culled parts from those I like and that were applicable to us, pasted it all together and THEN I had my capable attorney give it his blessing.

    He actually encouraged this because it saved him a lot of time (and me money) and really is not the best use of an attorney's time because they are all pretty standardized.

    HOWEVER, it is important that you have a qualified attorney look it over and give you his O.K. specific for your site and business model because there are definite liability issues that you have.

    He may very well want to add a couple items, but this will be mimimal time and expense.

    One of those "time to call the attorney" things that lets you sleep better at night!

    I hope that helps.
  • Posted by tjh on Member
    You might consider looking this site over:

    Additionally, some privacy policy discussions are here: under the "Privacy" heading.

    Also, Pepper Blue's comment about having your lawyer bless your result is right on.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    My all-time favorite "privacy policy" comes at the end of the word-a-day emails I receive (from

    Our mailing list addresses are never sold, rented, leased, traded, swapped, exchanged, bartered, etc. We don't like to receive junk mail, and know you don't either.

    That's it! Nothing complicated or stuffy.

    I think lengthy legalese is overrated. If you simply must have it, consider making it a footnote to something as short an eloquent as the example above.

    - Shelley

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