
Topic: Copywriting

What Does My Web Site Say To You?

Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on 250 Points
My company has a web site at I would be interested in having people critique the site and tell me what the site says to you?

- Do you quickly understand what the company has to offer? If not, what is your perception of what the service is?
- If you were someone who had a need for this service, does the web site guide you towards getting the information and then trying it? If not, how would you improve it? Are there questions in your mind which are not answered that should be addressed?

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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Peter,

    I think your content is fine.

    Yes, I quickly understand what the company has to offer, I think this is clear.

    Yes, If I were someone who had a need for this service, the web site does guide me towards getting the information and then trying it.

    Your free trial and guarantee also take the risk out of it, this is a great idea.

    You've done a good job of answering possible questions.

    So, I would definitely be compelled to try it out to see if it solved my problems

    However, I agree with Amanda Vega, I do not like your formatting and layout either.

    Are there alternative looks you have developed or have in development?

    If you get enough comments here that also feel this way, perhaps that could be a separate post, that is, to ask for suggested comments on different looks.

    Good luck, it seems like a valuable and affordable service!

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Author
    Many thanks for all the comments so far! All very useful (and don't worry about offending me).

    In regards to the sophistication, are there any easy fixes that someone sees? In my mind, perhaps the graphics are not of good enough quality, so maybe I should remove or replace with higher quality ones? Or is it something different (layout, etc.)?
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    I quickly understood what you company is offering. The Question: “Do you have time to read hundreds of resumes?” and the in/out FASTool graphic were the clues I picked up immediately.

    I agree with the others about lay out and graphics, but be careful. If you are targeting the small business crowd a degree of unsophistication may be a plus. But good graphic execution of “unsophisticaion” is really a must.

    Also, I agree with WBMSTER regarding navigation improvement needs.

    Maybe more evolution than revolution.

    Good luck
  • Posted on Accepted

    Your content is fine. Unfortunately, your design isn't taking full advantage of all that cascading style sheets (CSS) has to offer.

    Spend some time looking at other sites on the Web and select a few which you would like to eumlate - whether it's features or branding. Then hire an experienced web designer to provide you with a professional look and feel for your site.

    Specific items to address:

    1. Page loading - your content should load in a consistent fashion from section to section

    2. Typography - the yellow menu is nearly invisible, and the headlines are inconsistent.

    Good luck

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Author
    I am truely amazed at the number and quality of responses to my request, and all within a few hours. Definitely making me think long and hard about what my next step will be to improve the site. Many thanks to everyone.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Author
    Oh, here are the answers to some questions that were asked:

    Pepper Blue:
    - no alternatives in development right now, but after all these responses...

    - yes, we are a startup. But I agree we want to look larger/more professional. We market to small to medium sized businesses and to recruiting firms.
    - The value we add is created by the questionnaire process only
    - there is literature available (one page executive summary, case study, article reprints) - sounds like I need to move some/all to be easily accessable from first page

    - we focus on US/Canada, as we know the HR requirements for these countries. Presumably the system could work outside North America, but we are focusing on NA only right now. We don't specifically talk about other countries, but have also limited our marketing focus to North America so hopefully are limiting our exposure to International companies that way.
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Not to oversaturate the many repeated comments, I agree with everyone. Your site presents an appealing service, the value is immediately recognized, the copy is well written, but the graphics and navigation need an overhaul.

    I will go out on a limb here and offer my services a as solution to add to the criticism... if you are interested. We can get an updated site for you in no time. Please feel free to send me an email if interested (click on my name) and we can get started!

    Thank you and Good Luck!

    -- Jett Enterprises
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Author
    Thanks everyone for all the assistance. Lots of greast ideas in here - I am truly amazed at the speed, volume, and quality of the responses I received! Now I get the fun of figuring out what to do next.

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