
Topic: Copywriting

What Does Marketing Mind Really Mean?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I don't know really well about the word " Marketing Mind"- because i am Vietnamese. I just think that marketing Mind is a method of education about Marketing. Is it true?

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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    You are correct. It is just a figure of speech referring to "thinking in the direction of marketing".

    It ia also a way to describe a state of mind. For example, someone who is a painter may be describedas having an "artistic mind", a pro athelete may have a "health conscious mind".

    It's a buzz word to make you believe you are focusing on a certain topic.

    I hope this helps!
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Jett gave you the right answer. As I thought about your question, It seemed you may be thinking of marketing MIND-SHARE. So here’s something from NURO Mind-Share Marketing:

    Mindshare Marketing is arguably one of the most potent weapons at your disposal to successfully compete in the marketplace.

    The Mindshare methodology is what it says:

    A structured, streamlined, process to gaining share of mind;

    A process with core assumptions based on human truths;

    A process that integrates the non-negotiable elements of marketing strategy;

    A process that outsources your tactical requirements to the most appropriate specialists available.

    There are 3 strategic phases to developing your mindshare: your Positioning Strategy, your Competition Strategy and your Marketing Operations Plan

    The objective is simple: lay a strategic foundation to leverage all tactical communications by gaining share of mind in your prospects and customers.

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