
Topic: Copywriting

Employee Question

Posted by philip1957 on 50 Points
In our in-house employee newsletter, there is a column called FACE TO FACE,where long serving employees are asked various questions relating to their career,family and personal life etc.Pls suggest few questions that can be asked in the FACE TO FACE Column.Thanks
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  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    How about, "Do you participate in any on-line forums?"
  • Posted on Accepted
    Philip - you can ask the kind of questions any interviewer would ask a business person!

    They don't have to be especially for employees. And if you find a good question that always seems to bring an interesting response, you can repeat it with every person.

    Here are four that get really good answers:

    1. What are the most useful lessons have you learned in your job?

    2. Who has been the most influencial in your career in this company?

    3. Who has been the most influential outside the company?

    4. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

    Of course, the interviewer should follow up and encourage the employee to give lots of detail. To be honest, questions about family life can get pretty boring ..

    Hope that helps!


  • Posted by philip1957 on Author
    Dear Sir,

    Thans for your response.Very thoughful questions.
  • Posted by chough on Member
    How would you explain what you do to other departments?

    If you weren't doing (insert job title) what would you be doing?

    What's the funniest thing that's happened to you while working at (insert company name)

    What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you while working at (insert company/department name)

    If you had one bit of advice for somebody starting out in (insert job role) what would it be?

    What's your view on (insert question about something that is currently making news in the industry... ie. "The London 2012 Olympic Logo")
  • Posted by philip1957 on Author
    Thank you for your excellent response.


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